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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Playdate in Antigua

Today we met Holly's friend Lissette who lives here in Antigua. She has a small, in-home daycare and fosters three girls as well. It was so nice meeting her and the children. Cohen loved playing with some new toys (he is getting a little bored with the toys we brought) and watching the kids.

It was quite a journey finding Lissette's house. We planned on asking some of our local friends like Ruth and Clara for directions, but did not run into either of them in the park. So, we asked the tourist with a big dog on their porch...ladies working in a tienda...schoolgirls on the of ladies with a chicken in their yard...husband and wife walking their dog...and finally just called Lissette who told us to wait where we were and she would come and get us! Turns out she lives very close to our apartment, we just didn't know it. The weather was perfect, Cohen was content, and we really did enjoy seeing parts of Antigua we had not seen before.

Thank you for your sweet comments and encouragement about our case. I know that one of these days we will be home with Cohen and enjoy thinking about all of the adventures and new experiences we've had here in Guatemala.


Hollie said...

Sounds like you had an exciting adventure! I think I would have been panicking. You are handling everything so well.

Hope we get to see you soon!!

Melinda said...

How frustrating it must be for you! And exasperating too! You probably want to "mess her hair up" as Kim Clifford always said when she was mad at someone.
Maybe God isn't done with you in Guatemala yet--perhaps He wants you to continue building bridges for the future. I know that is easy for me to say sitting here at home, but perhaps He is using you for His glory in some way we just can't see yet.
Cohen is so cute! You are truly blessed! I am so glad you are there with him! Take care!