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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Some good news... and some bad news

Here's the good news first: Robby and I met with Randy and Harvey from Orphan Resources today and it went so well! They stopped by our apartment and answered all of our questions about a mission trip in the future. It sounds perfect -- there are so many needs that I think everyone who is involved will be able to find a need that they can help with. Orphan Resources is currently helping about 40 orphanages in Guatemala from supplying beans and rice to helping build new buildings. They are going to take us to at least one or two orphanages so that we can see the needs first hand and bring pictures and information back to our church.

Now for the bad news: I called our attorney's office this morning for an update. As of last week we still didn't have Cohen's new birth certificate, so I thought for sure they would have it by now... nope! When we arrived one month ago today, we were told we would be home in one month. It's been one month and we still don't have the birth certificate, so who knows when we will be submitted for our pink slip. I asked how much longer and they said, "One more month."

As you can imagine, we're frustrated. There is nothing we can do. We've paid the attorney, but she didn't do her job and now we are simply at her mercy. Robby is going to contact his boss to see if he can work from here and I hope his boss is flexible.

I feel bad about complaining. I know there are so many people who would love to be in our position -- at least we are waiting with our baby. I am so thankful that at least we are here with Cohen. It just makes me sick that it has taken our attorney over a month to do something that should have taken a week or less.

We will post again when we know a little more...


Bekah said...

Lori--Don't feel bad about being frustrated...I would be frustrated as well! A month and no birth certificate is just annoying. I will be praying that your attorney gets moving so that you all can get moving back home.

Andrea said...

I hear you on the frustration! It's absolutely okay to be frustrated. I'll be praying that you'll be home soon!!!

Gail said...

You have a right to be angry. However, I will be praying that the birth certificate comes before you were told. Way before!!

Emilee Odette Garrett said...

I'm so sorry! You deserve to feel frustrated about that... I'll be praying that this will be resolved quickly. Working with Orphan Resources sounds like a fantastic opportunity.

Natalie said...

Lori, bless your heart. You have every right to be frustrated. Even though you are with Cohen, you want to be HOME with him. I sure hope to see some great news soon!

Our Crazy Life said...

So sorry to hear about the delay in your paperwork. I'm sure that is totally frustrating. At least you have Cohen's beautiful smile to look at. :)

Lisa and Madeline said...

I agree with the other comments above. You have the right to be angry. I am so sorry you have not heard anything. Like you said, at least you get to "wait" with Cohen. I wish you the best and hope you get good news VERY SOON!

Hollie said...

Ugh!! That is totally frustrating and you have every right to be. You are handling it pretty well I think. Let's just hope the attorney gets in gear and you are home really soon!

Alleen said...

Oh man... that totally stinks. Nothing like your attorney dropping the ball at the very end.