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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Some days are harder than others

To say there are ups and downs throughout the journey of adoption is a major understatement. One day I find myself jumping up and down over a cheek swab and the next day I can't seem to get rid of that lump in my throat that tells me I just need to have a good cry. So today (after my good cry) I found myself curled up in a rocking chair in Cohen's semi-empty room writing in my journal.

You worry that toys are scattered everywhere
I cry at the sight of unopened toys in his room
You feel overwhelmed about your endless laundry
I find another outfit that is now too small for him to wear
You have a headache from all the noise and commotion
I have never heard him laugh or coo or cry
Your back hurts from picking them up for the thousandth time
My arms are painfully empty
You plan a birthday celebration
I mark the passing of yet another year
You say "Enjoy your freedom."
I say "Cherish your children."


Kim said...

You are exactly right. When we were waiting for Alex, my girlfriends (with 6-10 month olds) would be chasing after their kids. They would look at me and say, "Enjoy your freedom now!" I always told them I would give anything to be in their shoes. :)

Our Crazy Life said...

Wow. That made me cry, too! I guess sometimes we need to stop and think about what other people are going through instead of always been consumed in our own lives.

LouLou said...

I am so glad that we found each other's blogs! Our babies are only days apart! We can help each other through this process.


Natalie said...

Praying that you'll get new pictures soon. That is always such a relief when you see that they are healthy and growing just fine.

Karen said...

My heart hurts for you, Lori and Robbie, as you are enduring this waiting period. I may not have adopted, but because of multiple miscarriages, we waited several years for our first child and I know how incredibly difficult that was for us. God's delay is not God's denial. We cannot wait to celebrate that sweet day with you when you get to meet your beautiful Cohen, and you will realize that it was worth the wait.
We love you!

Natalie said...

Hey, I forgot to tell you...we stayed at the Clarion Suites. We were very happy with it. There isn't much to do there, but we just wanted to hang out in the room with the baby anyway!

Crystal said...

This breaks my heart and I have tears in my eyes reading this--I have been there and now I have vowed to God to never ever take them for granted!!! He will come home soon and GOd will bring him!!! If you ever need to talk please e-mail me I know how excruiating the wait can be --I am praying for you tonight!!! hugs hugs hugs!!!

Lisa and Madeline said...

Just stopping by your blog to say hello. Was thinking about you both today. Hope you get an update this week or very soon.

Kerry said...

That should be posted on every mother's refrigerator. Beautiful.