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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Latest...

I was trying to hold out and not post again until we received Cohen's latest pictures, but I just got an email from our agency that said we would probably not be getting the pictures today. (Our attorney's assistant had a death in the family.) So, I know I keep saying this, but we really do expect new pictures any day now!!!! :)

Last Friday we received a copy of the DNA testing along with two pictures of Cohen and his birthmother. These are going to be special pictures just for Cohen when he is older. How can I describe his birthmother? Of course she looks sad as she holds the son she is not able to raise, but she also looks hopeful because of the life she knows he will have here in America. Our agency gives us the opportunity to meet the birthmother if that is something we want to do and the attorney feels like the birthmother can handle that. We decided that we would like to meet her because we know that Cohen is one day going to want every little detail about her that we can give him. Our attorney's response to whether or not she thought we should meet Cohen's birthmother -- YES!

Now, more about Cohen: He is a CHUNK! He will fit right in around here. Robby and I were both very chubby babies. His foster mom had him dressed in denim overalls and a little striped shirt. So cute! Remember all that hair? He lost it! I can't wait to show off his new pictures. He has those cheeks you just want to squeeze!


Natalie said...

OHHHHH....I'm dying to see pictures of that little chunkster!

You are going to be part of an amazing opportunity to meet his birthmother. Wow...I can't even imagine how special that would be.

Our Crazy Life said...

Can't wait to see new pictures!!

Lisa and Madeline said...

I cannot wait to see the new pictures. I have been really busy the last few days and have not been able to check your blog. As I was signing on, my fingers were crossed hoping his little face would pop up. I was still happy to see a new post and the good news you shared about him, his mother, and an update on his growth spurt! You are always in our prayers. I hope you both are doing well.

Emilee Odette Garrett said...

Just checking in... I've been praying for you this week!

Lisa and Madeline said...

OH!, I just noticed- Cohen is 3-3-3, he is 3 months old, 3 weeks, and 3 days.. HAPPY 3's--- Cohen! Get here soon!

Lisa and Madeline said...

ooops, posted on the wrong day...Cohen's 3's are on Feb. 23... anyways, we love you!