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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Candy AND the Park?!

Recently (and I say recently because I honestly can't remember what day it was) we met some friends at the park. As I woke Cohen up that morning I asked him, "Do want to go see Candy at the park?" He started jumping up and down saying, "Candy! Candy!" Since he has only been around her a few times, I wasn't sure why he was so excited...

What do you mean your name is Candy?

Do you at least have some candy you could give me?

We also met another mom and her daughter there that day. It was so fun to see the differences between boys and girls. As Cohen was hopping, climbing, and having fun just being silly, the little girl was staying close to the Mommies and trying to get into the conversation as much as she could.

Leah now prefers the Baby Bjorn over the first sling we used where she could lay down. Now she is happy to be able to look around more and see what's going on. Of course she still likes to cuddle and nap as I carry her around, which is so nice. What am I going to do when she starts moving on her own?!

Thanks, Candy, for taking some great pictures for us!


Becca said...

It was great seeing you guys this weekend!

Peace and Hugs,

candy said...

you'll just have to start calling me something else so poor cohen doesn't get confused! i had a great time at the park and can't wait to do it again. it was almost like sitting in the star wars space tower again! ha!

Robyn said...

What cute pics!! I can't believe how much Leah has grown!!
