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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Mystery Mail & Mother's Day

Today I found something fun in my mailbox... an envelope addressed to me with instructions to save for Mother's Day. The address was typed, so I could not tell who sent it and so I flipped it over to see the return address... my name and address on the back! Save for Mother's Day?! I am going to try really hard to wait, but I am SO CURIOUS!

So, if the sender of my mystery mail is reading this, thank you! You've given me a special gift already by helping to distract me. Mother's Day is a great day to celebrate mothers and let them know how much we love and appreciate them. But it has also been a day that reminds me of the years I have longed to be a mother. This year is just as painful because although we finally have a son, he is not here with us.

Even though our hearts are heavy as we wait to be with Cohen, we are filled with hope. We know that there are brighter days ahead. Now, if I can just make it to Sunday without tearing into this envelope... :)

Cohen, you are the most wonderful gift from God. I thank Him daily for you and pray that you will be home forever very soon!!!


Alleen said...

LOVE that picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kim said...

You are better than me - I would have ripped into that thing already. :)

Bekah said...

I also LOVE that picture. Oh that is so precious. I cannot wait to see what is in that envelope and find out who is behind it. So fun!

Natalie said...

I can't wait to see what it is! That's so cool!

I love that picture of you and sweet!

Kerry said...

I SO would have ripped it open already!

Hollie said...

I can't believe that you haven't opened it yet!! There is no way that I could wait. That picture is great!

Our Crazy Life said...

How fun! I can't wait to hear what it is.

Emilee Odette Garrett said...

Ooo, the suspense!!! Sweet picture of you and your little man!

LouLou said...

I would have snuck and tried to steam that envelope open. How good you are to wait it out! Can't wait to hear what it is....I hope it's a note saying that you are coming to GC when I'm there ;)

Jennifer said...

I would have opened it. I can never wiat for anything. I love the picture. Can't wait to read what the envelope was all about.

Lisa and Madeline said...

You are a strong person to not open that envelope. Knowing you, I know you will wait just like the letter says to. You are a strong, just like you have been these months waiting for Cohen to come home. I will be thinking of you this mothers day and all of the mother waiting for their bundles of joy to come home.

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

That is a GREAT picture of you two. I would have never been able to wait.

Andrea said...

Okay, so now you need to tell us what was in the envelope! :)

That picture is gorgeous, of course!

Happy Mother's Day!!