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Sunday, November 11, 2007

I Saw What I Saw

We would like to thank everyone who came out yesterday morning to support us in our Second Annual Dash for Adoption. It was a beautiful day and with your help we were able to raise $725. We have decided to put our next adoption on hold for a while, so the money will be going to our church's adoption fund to help another family this year.

I came across this song and it expresses perfectly how I feel after having spent so much time in Guatemala. We saw such a totally different world and I will never be the same. I can't keep the questions out of my head. Why am I able to sit here comfortably in my home while there are so many throughout our world without a home? How can I say, "There's nothing to eat" when I open a refrigerator and a pantry filled with plenty of food? But mostly importantly, what am I going to do about it? I am going to be meeting with someone at my church this week to discuss the possibility of supporting an orphanage in Guatemala and future mission trips, but I'm not convinced that that is enough...

I saw what I saw...


Becca said...

Sorry we weren't able to make it on Saturday. I wasn't feeling well. Your post is beautiful and I pray your meeting with your friend at church opens doors.

Lisa and Madeline said...

Sorry I could not make it this weekend. Madeline had a cold and my parents were out of town. I think about you guys often and hope things are well. Congrats on raising the money for another family.

Sarah said...


I just got back from Guatemala late Tuesday night... I know exactly how you feel about wanting to give back to the children and people there.

I am still flooded with emotions of what I experienced over my very brief time there. BUT, I do know that the little that I was able to do DID make a difference. So, dream big, but know that every little thing helps make the difference to the life of somebody who desperately needs it. I encourage you to check into Mayan Families Connection and come with us again next year!!

Hugs to your adorable Cohen! I am glad to hear that your Dash For Adoption was successful!! I am sure the family who receives your aid will be most thankful!!


Julie said...
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Julie said...

Wow!! That video made my heart ache. I feel the need to do something "more" as well. May God reveal HIS plan and do a mighty work in you!