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Monday, May 07, 2007

Packing and Unpacking

As we were getting ready to leave Guatemala, I can't tell you how many times I thought about sneaking Cohen home with us in our luggage! We've been home for over a month now and I just unpacked his suitcase this past weekend. It was hard to look at some of the clothes that he wore, but I unpacked telling myself that I would soon be packing again to be with him.

The question is: "When will I go back?" I have talked with my agency and they are fine with me going back and staying until Cohen's adoption is complete. But there is no way of knowing when that will be and financially it is not possible for me to stay for longer than a month. Robby and I have talked and talked about this. Right now we are thinking that we will wait until we get out of PGN and then I will go down and stay until we can bring Cohen home. But if we don't hear anything by the end of June I may just go down then anyway.

Please continue to pray that our case moves quickly from this point on. I will post more news if we hear anything, but this may be a quiet week for us...


Lisa and Madeline said...

Let's just hope you get news soon. I can't wait to hold that little guy and I know you can't wait to bring him home for good. You both are always in my thoughts and I antipate everytime I sign on here that it will say "he's coming home"

Lisa and Madeline said...

oops, sorry for the typo above--that is supposed to be spelled-- anticipate

Hollie said...

That picture is so cute! It would be very hard to unpack his bag. I hope the wait isn't much longer. You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers.

LouLou said...

Have you checked La Casa Grande? Email me at and I will give you the rate details for a monthly stay. It's great!

Hunter said...

hey guys! did you see patty's news? am glad someone got pa!! wish ours would hurry up!! think we are doing a visit the end of july....wonder if we will have pa by then???!!

love and prayers,

Kim said...

I hope you guys hear something really soon. Let's hope you are packing those bags again really soon!!

Bekah said...

Oh my goodness that picture of him in your bag is too cute. I am praying you hear word tomorrow...that you are out so you can go down there and get your sweet little man!

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I am praying that you won't even have to stay. Just go get him. I love the new pictures.

Our Crazy Life said...

You are so strong! I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you.

Emilee Odette Garrett said...

He is so so cute! Praying that God will continue to strengthen, comfort, and cover you with His love. He is with you three!

Alleen said...

I hope you get out soon and can go down and be with him. Gosh, with that cute face, no wonder you wanted to sneak him in your bag!