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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Apartment Hunting...

Yes, I am ready to start searching for an apartment... in Guatemala! No, for us this is not financially possible, but if I win the lotto... Our agency sent us some information today explaining that because of some unethical adoption practices by some facilitators in Guatemala, the US Embassy would be "scrutinizing" over adoption paperwork before issuing visas for our babies. Funny, I thought they already spent enough time "scrutinizing" over our paperwork!

This news breaks my heart! A process that takes entirely too long is now going to take longer and there is nothing we can do. I know that this decision has been made to ultimately protect children in Guatemala from being kidnapped and smuggled into the US, but I also know that our attorney and her staff in Guatemala are doing everything by the book. Here's the site with the latest news:

So... Who wants to share an apartment in Antigua with me? I am going to start hunting and dreaming!!!


Natalie said...

Count me in!

Lisa and Madeline said...

I read the link from your blog and I do understand, but then I am sad that this prolongs your process. I pray everyday things move quickly for you. So an apartment isnt a bad idea (if only one of us could win the lottery) I pray that your little Cohen gets here very soon and that his paperwork passes through quickly. I guess a good thing is that your DNA is done and you know the info about his birthmother. Sounds like you have made it almost there and won't be caught up in the info. that was in the link. Madeline again said his name in her prayers and hopes for the same!

Lisa and Madeline said...

I just noticed, Cohen is 3-3-3, he is 3 moths, 3 weeks, and 3 days old. Happy 3's Cohen! Get here soon!!

Alleen said...

I'm praying that everything works out for everyone in process. It breaks my heart that the children are the ones who will suffer most.

LouLou said...

i am planning to go when we get out of PGN!