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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Loving Some Cookies

Cohen is amazing us with all the things he is doing and saying these days. He used to just point out all the trucks we would pass while driving by saying, "ta, ta, ta." Now he can spot a Jeep on the road and tries to say Jeep. His Daddy is so proud!

Another favorite thing he is doing now is telling everyone I am his Mama. We will be in the grocery store, a restaurant, church, or wherever and he will tell others that I am his Mama. If Robby is with us, he will introduce Dada too. I just love it because I know that there will be a day when isn't so excited about being seen in public with his Mom.

Until recently, Cohen hasn't really seemed to notice that my stomach is getting bigger. We talk about his baby sister in my belly and practice being gentle with his baby doll, but he is still so young and doesn't understand what is going on. Which is why we cracked up at dinner the other night when he out of the blue he pointed to my stomach and said, "Ball!" I think he was trying to figure out why he couldn't have toys at the table, but Mommy could.

Baby Girl is still doing well. We have about two more months to go and I am starting to feel a little panicked about getting her room ready. We have so many little projects that need to be done. We (and when I say "we" I mean Robby) are putting up crown molding and replacing the carpet in both Baby Girl and Cohen's rooms. We still have to touch up the paint on the furniture in her room. And as if that is not enough, we also decided to replace the carpet in our bedroom with hardwood. So, I think we have plenty to keep us busy these next two months and I will be so happy to have everything finished.

Cohen is way too busy for photo shoots these days, so most of my recent pictures of him are either blurry or taken when he is in his highchair. Here is a little clip of him asking for a cookie -- how can I say no?


Kim said...

Of course you can't say no to that!! Alex had to watch it with me and then he said, "preeey cooool Coen" :) I think Alex was just impressed that he saw someone else signing words that he knew. :)

What about Thursday - do you want to get the boys together? We need to get it in before Baby Girl gets here and you have your hands full for awhile. :)

Lisa and Madeline said...

SO cute! I was so happy to see a new post and to hear how you were doing. Cohen is getting so big and he looks like such a toddler now.

Loved seeing action of him on the video, so did Madeline.

Sounds like you and Robby are staying busy getting the house ready. Glad things are good with you all. I cannot believe how close you are to baby girls arrival.

Emilee Odette Garrett said...

That is the cutest video! He's so charming! Things will get done - I promise! It all works out in the end...

Alleen said...

I cracked up at the ball comment!!!!

Gabriella brought a plastic plate to me today and said "cake!". Ha!!! Must have been because we went to a birthday party yesterday.

I can't wait to see pics of baby girl's nursery!!

Annie-Laurie said...

That is the most adorable video ever! I love the head nodding. Hope you're feeling well.

Sarah said...

Cohen is so adorable! Sounds like you have alot going on with your projects!! I do best with deadlines... and I would rather get a project done quickly than string the process out... hope it all comes together quickly!