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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Getting so big!

My little man is getting so big -- I can't believe he is now 15 months old! He is really starting to show us his sense of humor these days. He likes to tease us and make us laugh. Of course whenever we laugh he continues to do whatever it was we thought was so funny.

He is now walking everywhere he wants to go and those arms (that he held up in the air for balance) are slowing coming down. Now he likes to carry toys and books (or my shoes) around the house.

Today we went to story time at the library and he loved it. There were lots of other little ones his age there and he had the best time watching them, listening to stories, and singing songs. I think we will definitely have to go back!

Lastly, I have been tagged by Becca to tell seven weird or random things about myself. And I tag: Hunter, Emilee, Amber, Andrea, Katie, Alleen, & Emily.

1. I started having dreams about adoption in college. I had the same dream over and over about two little boys named Hakeem and Rashid who I adopted in my dreams.

2. I will not eat or drink after anyone -- not even Robby or Cohen. The thought of sharing a fork with someone grosses me out!

3. I have sympathetic pain for others. Just hearing the details about a doctor's visit or injury is enough to make me almost pass out. I come very close to passing out when I have blood taken or get a shot... yes, still getting a shot in the stomach every night though. :) Thank goodness Robby isn't squeamish and does them for me.

4. To Robby's disappointment, I am afraid of heights and do not enjoy rock climbing. The first time I tried, when I got to the top he said, "OK, now let go and lean back." Yeah, right!

5. I've had some interesting experiences working with young children in their homes. In one home, the aunt had a mental illness and started greasing my hair after telling me it looked dry. I did manage to get out of there before she gave me mini-braids, but I did have to wash my hair several times before it was back to normal. On another day, I forgot to lock my car doors and a drug dealer got into my car and tried to sell me drugs. After seeing my freaked out expression he quickly said, "Oh, my bad, my bad!" and got out.

6. I love, love, love ice cream and have been known to eat it for breakfast.

7. Although I am getting better, when Robby and I first got married I had a lot to learn about cooking. We still laugh about one of the first meals I fixed for him -- hot dogs and lima beans.

8. And one more just for fun -- I used to always hint around for Robby to do romantic things for me. He would ask me for examples and I told him, "You know, put rose petals on the bed or something." One day he switched out the pedals on his bike and called me into our room. "Look! I put pedals on the bed!"


Lisa and Madeline said...

I loved this post and your tagged answers. I have been tagged by Becca and have not answered them yet. I loved #8 about the Pedals. I laughed out loud in the office.

Cohen is getting so big. He is such a cutie. I would love to see pictures of you too. I bet your growing fast as well. I hope to see you soon.


Debbie said...

I love the pedals!!!!!!!!!! That is something my hubby would do!!!


I was also tagged by Becca!!!

Becca said...

Both you and Robby sound hilarious! And I can't believe how big Cohen is getting. I haven't seen him since the Zoo trip.

I don't really know Melissa. I'm going to visit her blog and let her know that I'm coming and that I would love the meet her!

Peace and Hugs,

Becca said...

Oh, yes - almost forgot. ROCK ON with the ice cream for breakfast!

Chris and Lindsey Wheeler said...

I love the piano picture!!! He just keeps getting cuter and cuter!!!!!!!

Lindsey Wheeler