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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Call from Qatar!!!

So, I get home from work around 4:00 today and decide to make a bacon and tomato sandwich -- my favorite! As I am sitting down to take my first bite, the phone rings. Unknown name, unknown number. Usually I would just let the phone ring, but today I answer... nothing. A minute later, the phone rings again and I answer... nothing. The third time the phone rings I am ready to scream at whoever it is that is calling me. I answer with my meanest voice, "HELLO?" "Can I speak to Lori?" "This is Lori." "Lori, it's Amy. Can you hear me, I have a sore throat."

Oh my goodness! It's my friend Amy who lives in QATAR! (I posted a map of the Middle East because I guess I never really knew exactly where it was.) For those of you who know Ben and Amy, they are doing fine. They will be coming home in July and staying until September. The last time we saw them, Amy was expecting their second son and he was born two days after Cohen! Can't wait to get those two boys together!

Amy told me that she and Ben check our blog and have been praying for us. Wow, Cohen, you have people in Qatar praying that you will come home soon! I tear up just thinking about it. Amy, thank you so much for calling. On a day where I was disappointed because we didn't get any update on Cohen, you put a big smile on my face!


Cohen's Nana said...

I believe that one of the ways that God shows His love for us is by the friends He brings into our lives. And just at the time when we need them most!!! We are so sorry that this process is taking soooooo long. We love you and are praying for you all.

Crystal said...

I second what Cohen's nana said!!! God knows what we need at the exact moment we need it!!! He is awesome!!! Nothing like a phone call from a girlfriend to brighten your day!!! :O)