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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Happy 10 Months!

I can hardly believe that Cohen is 10 months old today. He is at such a fun age and learns a new trick every day. He will do something that makes me laugh and then repeat it over and over when he likes the reaction he gets. I just love it when he looks at me, turns his head, and smiles. It is just the sweetest thing in the world!

Cohen has been such a trooper the past two days. Yesterday we took him to the hospital for some bloodwork to make sure he received all the necessary immunizations in Guatemala. Then his pediatrician called this morning wanting him to go to another hospital for a chest x-ray today. I knew that because the TB vaccine in Guatemala is different than the one we use in the US that Cohen would more than likely test positive when given the TB skin test, but I was still a little overwhelmed with the thought of chest x-rays and loads of antibiotics for my baby! Any other Guatemama's have tips for how you handled a positive TB test? I really don't want Cohen to have to take antibiotics for the next 9 months!

And, on a completely different topic, last Friday Robby took a trip he has been dreaming about for years -- he finally made it to Colorado. He and some friends he mountain bikes with had planned this trip months ago and when they set the date we thought Cohen would be home and all settled when he left. Instead, he left a little over a week after we got back from Guatemala. It was a little crazy, but Cohen and I survived. We were just so happy to see Robby... especially when he called from Colorado to tell me that Dave let him fly the plane a little!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Does anyone still check this blog?

OK, I have totally neglected the blog, but I think we are finally getting settled in at home and I will be able to post once again. Anybody still checking our blog?

With all the excitement of coming home and meeting friends and family, Cohen's schedule has been non-existent. Today was our first day back in somewhat of a routine and Cohen was so happy! He had to be thinking, "Finally, Mom, you remembered that I needed a quiet place to nap!"

We've done so many fun things since we got home -- our friends Bekah and Todd got married, my AOPi girls threw us a surprise baby shower, I took Cohen to his first bunco night...and of course I captured none of this on film! I did manage to break out the camera when Cohen met his cousins for the very first time. He thinks they are just the greatest!

Cohen also got to see where his daddy works. Robby's boss (who is hilarious by the way) sang Cohen a welcome home song and they even brought in a cake and presents. Who knew a bunch of engineers could be so much fun! :)

We even made it to Spanish class this week... We didn't really practice any Spanish, but were glad to see everyone and show Cohen off. Here's Cohen with Cecilia who also happens to be the smartest girl in class.

And, last but not least, our friends Hunter and Terry found out that Taylor is out of PGN and will be coming home soon! We are so happy for you guys!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

We're Home!!!

After a long day of traveling, we finally made it home last night. Cohen did better than we even expected on the planes. We sat next to a little girl and a baby boy and Cohen smiled and flirted most of the flight. I thought he was going to go to sleep as he took his bottle during take-off, but the minute the flight attendant made an announcement, his head popped up and he started searching for where the strange voice was coming from.

A big thank-you to my cousin Mary Beth... She took over 80 pictures for us at the airport and sent them to me this morning.

How excited were we when we landed in Louisville! Even though our flight was delayed and it was so late, we had the best homecoming! Our neices Katelyn and Taylor made a huge banner for Cohen and were there even though they had to get up early today for school. Little Jordan, who is three, made it to the airport, but after waiting and waiting finally fell asleep on the floor! (I am going to have to post a picture of her!)

When we pulled in our driveway, we were greeted by balloons and a huge sign on our porch made by our neighbor Dawn. She has been wonderful to keep an eye on our house while we were gone. Cohen went to sleep about 2:30 and slept perfectly in his new crib... Let's hope it's that easy every night, huh?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Good-bye, Guatemala...

We are so ready to bring Cohen home to meet our family and friends... Everyone has been waiting for him for so long! While we are anxious to go home, there are many things we will miss about Guatemala -- the laid back atmosphere, the perfect temperatures, the amazing views, and the adorable children! On Sunday we went for one last walk in the park in Antigua and were able to take a few pictures of these little girls washing up in one of the fountains.

Yesterday we survived the Embassy appointment. You know, nothing in this process has been easy, so I don't know what I expected at the Embassy. But our interpeter was with us and she made sure everything went smoothly. She is going to pick up Cohen's visa this afternoon and bring it to our hotel. The hardest part of Embassy Day was waking up so early, so Robby and Cohen took a nice, long nap when we got back to the hotel.

I don't know how, but we have managed to accumulate so much STUFF these past two months. Today we are going to see if we can make it all fit in our suitcases... Wish us luck! I can't believe we are finally coming home tomorrow! This time tomorrow we will be in the plane on our way to Atlanta. When Cohen's feet touch the ground there he will be a US citizen!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Loving on some kids...

Today Dick Rutgers was nice enough to let us follow him around. We met at Hermano Pedro this morning and took another small group of kids to Pollo Campero. The kids we took today were all on special diets, but they did enjoy some ice cream and strawberry milkshakes! The picture below is Hermano Pedro -- beautiful on the outside, but just awful on the inside. We arrived around 11:00 and the kids were already back in their beds where they stayed the rest of the day.

We took a few of the kids out of their beds and played with them for a while. I wish I had a picture of Moises -- he has the best sense of humor! We were playing with a ball and he would kick it right at me and then crack up laughing. I tried to get him to kick it toward Robby and kept saying "No, you!" I also taught him how to raise just one eyebrow at a time, which he would do wearing my sunglasses. Just precious!

The kids we took out were completely different children outside -- they loved going through the park and looking at the fountains. I had a little trouble pushing the wheelchair across the cobblestone streets, but luckily got some help from the locals.

After lunch, Dick took us to an orphanage for children with HIV. I thought this was going to be the saddest place we have visited, but I was so surprised. The nannies here are just wonderful with the children and it was such a happy place! I wanted to take several of the toddlers home with me...

Cohen was so patient the entire day -- even when Mommy and Daddy were giving ice cream to other children and not him! When we got home this evening, he just crashed. Let's hope that means he will sleep all night long...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Amazing day!

Today has been such a great day here in Antigua. Cohen and I went to Hotel Antigua with Megan and Isa this morning for brunch and a playdate. There are not too many grassy areas here, so we enjoyed stretching out on blankets in the grass and taking it easy this morning.

We ran into Laura Beth and Cory at the park this afternoon and spent some time with them. We have quickly become good friends and have so much in common -- Cory is from Southern Indiana very close to us. They are are missionaries in the Dominican Republic and are here in Antigua for Language School.

This evening we were up on the roof and noticed that one of the volcanoes, Fuego, was smoking. We took some pictures and then headed to church. As it got darker, we could see more and more lava coming from the top of the volcano. Our pictures don't even begin to do this justice. We are still in awe that we watched an erupting volcano from our rooftop! It was AMAZING!!!!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Two doctors and two shots!

Poor Cohen... He had quite a day today. We went to the city for his appointment with the Embassy doctor this morning. While we were there we found out that he also needed to visit his regular pediatrician and get two shots. Despite his busy day and combined naps that totaled 25 minutes, he still had smiles for us when we got back to the apartment.

His cold seems to be much better and I am hoping he stays healthy. Our neighbor Isa is just getting over the rotovirus and now little Jake downstairs has it! We are just keeping his hands and toys clean and I guess that is all we can do. But with trips to two different doctor's offices today, I know we will be so lucky if he doesn't catch something!

Here's Cohen in the waiting room for his first appointment... He loved this elephant and we didn't even have to put any coins in.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Robby vs. the Volcano

Last Saturday Robby and another dad here decided to climb Pacaya. (I heard it was a pretty strenuous climb and didn't think I would make it packing Gordito, so we headed to the pool instead.) They were hoping to see flowing lava, but only saw hardened lava this time. They said the views were gorgeous and it was an amazing experience. Next adventure for Robby... Kayaking at Lake Atitlan! Cohen and I will go to the lake too, but plan on hanging out with the other moms and babies.

We have met so many wonderful people here in Guatemala. One of them is Dick Rutgers who has been a missionary here for six years. He works with an organization that brings wheelchairs to children all over Guatemala. While children with special needs are not treated the way we would like in Guatemala, Dick is doing so much to help change that attitude. We met him at church and he gave us a tour of Hermano Pedro, a hospital/orhanage in Antigua.

I was not able to take pictures while in the hospital, but we were able to take four of the children out to Pollo Campero (like our KFC) and celebrate one of the children's birthday. This is Sonja who just turned 13. Before Dick started working at Hermano Pedro, she did not have much to look forward to. The children are out of the beds from breakfast until lunch and then spend the rest of their day in bed. Dick helped find a teacher to work with some of the children and now Sonja is on grade level!

And here's some more cuteness from Cohen. He caught his first cold, but seems to be feeling better today. Just a little sneezy with a runny nose. We are taking him to the city tomorrow for his doctor's appointment with the Embassy doctor. I can't wait to find out how much he weighs... Seems like he has grown so much since I've been here.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

100th Post!

We were waiting for the 100th post to tell you the news, but we'll let Cohen tell you instead...

Thank you, God, for this journey that brought us together as a family through the miracle of adoption. We pray that we will be the parents You want us to be.

*Edited to add: Many of you have asked about joining us at the airport...We would LOVE to see you there! I know it will be difficult to meet us since we will be getting in so late, but if you are able, we will be thrilled to see you!

We asked an attachment therapist we know how she thought Cohen would handle meeting a group at the airport and this was her reply:

"...I would allow family and close friends to celebrate this time with you. He is still so very little and won't be as overwhelmed as an older child. Keep him close to you and watch his face for signs of stress or fear. It is a memory that you and your loved ones will I say...let them come! You will want to keep your home somewhat stress free for the first few weeks. He will have a lot to assimilate...sensory wise so be mindful of not too many guests or outings at first. I am so glad that you have had this time with will go a long way."